Thursday, October 31, 2019

Computer science and information technology major personal statement Essay

Computer science and information technology major personal statement - Essay Example I noticed that the lock was very convenient since we never had to bring the key again. I started to dream about owning a smart house where electronics will do everything for us, such as tasks scheduling, voice commanding, decisions making, etc. Since coming to the U.S., I have seen people using iPhones to dim lights in their houses. I realized my dream is actually achievable, yet even that did not seem like enough. I want houses that are even â€Å"smarter†, and I wish one day everyone can own one of these houses. I want to customize my own smart house instead of those that exist already. Looking back on the past, I realize t that my dream had become more of a reality when I got to use computers.   The first time I used a computer I use it to play games only. I started to play a Japanese web game (livly) in 2005. By chance the game allowed me to customize my own homepage with HTML. I started to write simple HTML for my page. Eventually, I spent more time exploring the World Wide Web and discovered that there are programming languages for web pages which can do more than a markup language. I managed to read a book about PHP4 and MYSQL which I borrowed from the library. Although I did not have enough knowledge to understand everything, I read through the whole book and tried my best to understand all of the content. At the same time, my achievement in writing simple Visual Basic code in high school encouraged me even more to explore the computer field.   In 2009 I had a very special experience. I participated in a regional championship of the Worldskills Competition in Office and I was glad that I had learnt a lot in the field of software application from the training course I had taken. I was allowed to explore Microsoft Office at a deeper level by implementing VBA and the built-in library functions in Microsoft Excel. A year after I participated in another competition with participants from Hong Kong and Macau. I got a chance

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Opportunities to increase profit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Opportunities to increase profit - Essay Example The business proposal contains the services and products offered by the hotel business to companies. It also includes the charges that accrue from the services and products rendered (Enz 2010). Currently, the business will primarily target the local organizations and companies and as it grows, it will consider opening up branches in other countries as food and beverages is an indispensable part of human beings as people have to eat for them to perform. Hotels are business of fast moving goods as food is made to be consumed the same day. The business offers delivery of food to the office premises on calls. It aims to get a contract so as to increase the returns. Selling products globally is a decision that will be made at a later date since the business in at the developing stage. Producing goods in the United States of America is very expensive. So the company as it grows will aim at buying the raw food from countries with low production cost hence low prices for the raw foods. For profits to be maximized, the business will need loyal companies that will be multiple and repeat customers to the business (Enz 2010). For the hotel business to acquire a competitive edge in the competitive business, the business needs to have knowledge on the potential companies. It should also know the credibility of the company to make sure it does not run into bad debts. Once the information is sought, the next step is approaching the company with the business proposal (Enz 2010). The marketing director should be an individual who can convince clients and seal the deal. Once the contract is signed, the business ought to hire qualified and experienced staff to process the orders from the client. The employees need to be well remunerated as treat them ethically. The cookers, warmers and equipments to be used will be modern technology so as to reduce

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management 1. Introduction By definition â€Å"Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization† (Hofstede,G 1984) Human Resource Management (HRM) can also be performed by line managers. As more and more cooperation are becoming global in their operations people management is becoming more complex and sophisticated. In this report it is briefly discussed whether it is possible to manage people from different countries with the same policies and procedures across the continents i.e. whether it is possible for a multinational company to have ethnocentric approach and still have global presence or should they adopt more geocentric approach to succeed in foreign markets. According to Porter (1980, 1985)† HRM can help a firm obtain competitive advantage and there is a direct correlation between strategic HRM and economic success† Since, the major (and developing) markets for mobile phones and electronics are USA and European countries, to be closer to these large markets a manufacturing plant should be established in either of the continents. It is very important for the company’s management to have clear understanding of HRM practices of both the continents (societies) before they invest in new plant in either of the continents. It’s clear from the studies in the past that for operational success in foreign land it is important for the management to deeply study the local HRM practices. A few studies have investigated the effects of culture on use of HRM strategies (Gooderham et al., 1999; Tregaskis, 1997), finding that the HRM strategies used by companies may reflect the cultural values of the managers and employees ( Gooderham et al., 1999; Hofstede, 1991 cited in Fields,D., Chan, A. , Akhtar, S. and Blum, T.C. (2006 ). This report will scan North American as well as European culture for huma n resource practises and compare it with Asian HRM practices (where firm is currently based) , also it will throw some light on cultural values, recruitment and training, payments and rewards, motivation and employment relations of North American (USA Canadian) and Europe Union companies. 2. Culture: The most important factor to look for while globalising the operations The best and most comprehensive definition of culture so far has been given by anthropologist Kluckhohn in 1951, according to definition: Culture consists in patterned ways of thinking, feeling and reacting, acquired and transmitted mainly by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups, including their embodiments in artefacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional (i.e. historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values. Culture involves a set of cognitions that are shared by all or many members of a social unit; these cognitions are acquired through social learning and socialization processes, and they include values, common understandings, and patterns of beliefs and expectations (Rousseau, 1990). According to Hofstede’s in his studies in 1984 it was found that there are main 5 dimensions to culture which are Power Distance, Individualism, Uncertainty Avoidance and Masculinity/Femininity. When dealing with people from diverse background senior managers play the most important role in shaping cultural values of the organization (Sharma,B. and Chew,K.H 2005). Employment practices play an important role in shaping the organizational culture and become the motivating factor for employees. To have successful implementation of HRM policies and practices above mentioned cultural dimensions shouldn’t be ignored by HR manager especially when globalizing the operations. 2.1 High and Low context Cultures High context culture refers to a culture’s tendency to cater towards in-groups, an in-group being a group that has similar experiences and expectations, from which inferences are drawn. In a high context culture, many things are left unsaid, letting the culture explain. High context cultures are collectivistic in nature. (Hall, T.E 1976) Low Context culture has tendency to cater towards in-groups. Low context cultures, such as Germany or the United States make much less extensive use of such similar experiences and expectations to communicate. Much more is explained through words or verbalization, instead of the context. Low context cultures are usually individualistic. (Hall, T.E 1976) In order to communicate successfully managers have to consider the cultural differences and have to alter communication process according to individualistic or collectivistic cultures. It is best to explain theses differences in terms of low- and high-context communication. Context has to do with how much you have to know before you can communicate effectively. (Hall, T.E 1976) 3. Types of Organization In 1991 kabanoff in his research developed a typology that describes four value profile types organizations can fall into – â€Å"Elite†, â€Å"Meritocratic†, â€Å"Leadership† and â€Å"Collegial†. The value profile of an organization is determined by two factors – the degree of equality versus inequality in their structures and the degree of equity versus egalitarianism in their processes. The Collegial profile describes an organization where cohesion is the principal concern. Power, rewards and resources are evenly distributed; it relies upon a commitment to shared values and individual responsibility for actions as the basis for task-achievement rather than upon more tangible rewards; the organization exercises relatively little control over peoples activities (e.g. professional bureaucracies). (Kabanoff, 1991). The Meritocratic profile describes an organization whose members are highly concerned with both cohesion and productivity. This type shares many of the integration-oriented qualities of the collegial culture but with increased emphasis on performance and rewarding people for performance (Kabanoff, 1991).An international human resource manager should keep culture (of the country in which organization is based) and type of organization he works for in mind while designing or forming the people management policies for the organization to have successful results. Few organizations foster â€Å"high performance work systems† also known as high commitment or high involvement practices or systems (Wood, 1999 cited in Zacharatos, A., Hershcovis, M.S., Turner, N., Barling, J. 2007).This type of organizations treat its employees as assets, managers in these types of organizations treat employees with fairness and with respect more importantly employees in such organizations become part of decision making process. Such organizations provide employees with job security, opportunities to upgrade their skills or pay employees comparatively better wages. (Wood, S., Wall, T., 2002) According to Wood, S. and Wall, T., (2002) all the organization with â€Å"high performance work systems† have following characteristics: a) Foster employee involvement in their work. b) Fosters employee involvement and commitment towards organizational goal. c) Opposite to Taylorist model in which ‘control’ is favored, in â€Å"high performance work systems† instead individual and group autonomy is preferred. So far in this report we have discussed culture and its impact on work environment also, for clear understanding of the concept organizational types have been discussed. Now moving further this report will briefly discuss European and North-American work culture and compare it with Asian practices of human resource management. This knowledge will help management to understand what changes needs to be made to current employment practices in order to successfully manage and motivate employees in western countries. 4. Popular Models of HRM 4.1 The European model of HRM In his studies of HRM-economics success equation Beyer (1991) has said â€Å"Human Resource Management is the only true important determinant of success.† In the past most of the authors of HRM studies have focused on US and Japanese models of HRM practices as US is considered to be the birth place of management studies and Japanese model of organizational structure( including human resource practices) have been very successful in the past. Very little has been written or said about European model of HRM .There are clear country differences which can be understood and explained in the context of each national culture and its manifestation in history, law, institutions and trade union and employing organization structures; or in terms of regional clusters within Europe (Filella, 1991 as cited in Brewster, C; 1993). In the words of Thurley, K. and Wirdenius, H. (1991) European Management is emerging, and cannot be said to exist except in limited circumstances; is broadly linked to the idea of European integration, which is continuously expanding further into different countries (i.e. the 12); reflects key values such as pluralism, tolerance, etc., but is not consciously developed from these values; is associated with a balanced stakeholder philosophy and the concept of Social Partners. 4.1.1 Importance of Trade Unions in Europe In European countries the presence of unions are important â€Å"the definition, meaning and reliability of unions varies from country to country in European Union (Brewster, C.1993).† European countries are heavily unionized as compared to US. Countries like France, Germany for example has legislation making obligatory for firms over certain size and employee strength to consult trade unions in certain circumstances. (Brewster, C.1993). Few academicians argues that workforce in Europe as a continent is deeply influenced by trade unions for example Sweden has union membership of 85 per cent of working population, UK has 40 per cent and France has 12 per cent which is double of US (Gunnigle et al., 1993 cited in Brewster, C.1993 ). The most important function of trade unions in European countries is to get a collective bargain for the employees on industrial or national level (Gunnigle et al., 1993 cited in Brewster, C.1993). By studying the European style of management it can be said that Trade Unions can be seen by management as Social Partners which has a positive role to play in human resource management. This type of view of trade unions is quite opposite to American style of management. 4.2 The US model of HRM HR policy is defined by a set of principles, which aim to solve a set of problems and that materialize in a set of practices (Tome, E.,2005). The pioneering study in the field of scientific management which found its way in modern HRM was conducted by Taylor in US in 1964. Few of the important points from Taylor’s study are as follows: Human skills and organizational competences are essential to the development of any company. The skills pyramid has a small top and large base. Knowledge is essentially possessed by the small group at the top. The small top group members should be highly rewarded because they possess a very important asset: knowledge. (Cited in Tome, E., 2005). These points have acted as base of US model of HRM since long time. According to Hofstede (2001) in his studies have shown that US culture is more individualistic and achievement-oriented as compared to any other country, Managers from US give more importance to knowledge as compared to anything else and employees do not relate personally (moral connections) to the jobs like Japanese employees do. 4.2.1 Anti- Unionism in US US model of HRM is anti-union and anti-collective-bargaining. The contemporary approach of HRM ignores trade-unions and are being based on a unitary view of organizations (Strauss, 1968). Since the US society is high on individualistic characteristics so trade-unionism is not very popular in American society. According to research conducted by Marsh,R. and Pedler, M in 1979 on unionization in white collar jobs, eight factors were found that affect white collar unionization in US and UK ( See Appendix 1) : (1) Company organisation structure (2) Occupational composition of the workforce (3) Managerial attitudes (4) Existence of staff associations (5) Employers Associations (6) Trade Union recruiting strategies and organisation (7) Professional Associations (8) Government Interventions 4.3 Asian model of HRM Managers and workers from companies originated from Asian countries may tend to see a relationship with an organization as a moral connection, where the collective unit and worker have reciprocal obligations to each other. On the other hand, US managers may tend to view employment relationships as primarily calculative in nature (Hofstede, 2001; cited in Fields,D., Chan, A. , Akhtar, S. and Blum, T.C. ,2006 ). This difference may reflect the higher individualism in US culture, where conformity to an organization is seen negatively as intrusion in the self-interest of the employee (Hofstede, 2001). Managers and worker in Asian countries for example China and Hong-Kong differ from the workers in US (North America) in power distance i.e. a preference is given to more formal interactions with superiors. More importance is given to collectivism in Asian societies as compared to individualism in western societies. These cultural differences may combine to establish differences in decision-making and models of employee-organization relationships that influence choices of strategies to counteract uncertainties in the supply of labor (Fields, D., Chan, A., Akhtar, S. and Blum, T.C. (2006). 4.3.1 Performance assessment In Asian cultures workers may view performance monitoring and assessment positively. Increased performance monitoring can be perceived as a symbol that managers are taking a greater interest in the workers (Hofstede, 2001). Performance assessment is viewed by Asian workers as one of the ways by which they show their moral connections with the company. According to Redding and Wong, 1986 â€Å"the retention of existing workers in Asian organizations may be increased by placing more emphasis on performance monitoring and assessment† On the contrary, because of lower power distance in US culture increased performance monitoring is seen negatively. It is seen as management’s way of emphasizing the differences between bosses and workers (Hofstede, 2001). In US and European countries this policy of constant and strict performance assessment/monitoring can lead to high attrition within the organization, also it may lead to workers seeking different jobs which could possibly lead to labor shortage in the organization. 4.3.2 Training and Recruitment In collectivist culture like Asian cultures more emphasis is paid on training and development of existing employees as companies/organizations take it as their moral obligation to increase its employee’s skills (Hofstede, 2001; cited in Fields, D., Chan, A., Akhtar, S. and Blum, T.C. (2006). Also, Asian firms view training of employees as one of the way to reward them, these in-house trainings make employees feel that they are accepted and important part of collective unit. (Redding and Wong, 1986). In US and European culture where workers are more individualistic and self-interested in their pursuits companies see training as building technical and interpersonal skills of employees (Drost et al., 2002). Such employment practices are popular in US and Europe because of tight labor market and individualistic employees use newly acquired skills to find better position elsewhere. 5 Five Key Factors for successful transfer of HR policies from HQ to subsidiary (See Appendix 2) 5.1 International experience of local HR director The local HR director plays an important role while transferring HR policies. HR director needs to deal effectively with HQ staff, the foreign CEO and the colleagues from other countries. It is desirable that the local HR director have international experience from working and living abroad. (Diplomingenieur, W.S., 2004) 5.2 International experience of HQ HR staff HQ staff needs to have the experience of ‘the other side’ to be a valuable partner to the subsidiary. The necessary experience, in addition to subject expertise, includes cultural sensitivity and a keen sense for the daily business challenges in the subsidiaries. (Diplomingenieur, W.S., 2004) 5.3 Practice manuals, clear guidance Company/firm should avoid generic policies and guidelines that need to be translated into practices to be justify to management in HQ. HR managers should rather have clear practice manuals and directives, with the freedom to deviate if appropriate. As a simple example consider a policy that says ‘performance review is mandatory’ versus a manual that says ‘in April each year every employee gets to speak face to face with his or her manager about past performance and expected future performance’(Diplomingenieur, W.S., 2004) 5.4 Establish feedback routes to HQ other than the CEO Using the CEO as a feedback route to HQ for HR matters is a ‘short term fix’ that prevents the long term solution of having a more versatile and internationally functioning HR, both in HQ and in the subsidiaries. (Diplomingenieur, W.S., 2004) 5.5Organisation by region, not by issue (mentor) Cultural barriers are reduced and a more direct communication is possible if responsibilities in HQ are organised by region rather than issue. If every country has ‘their’ HR generalist in HQ as a partner, there will not only be fewer misunderstandings but also the HQ tendencies to have very theoretical, or specific, policies will decrease. (Diplomingenieur, W.S., 2004) Conclusion It is not essential that managing people is same in all the countries but it hugely depends on the organizational culture and values. Pieper (1990) in his study of European management styles has concluded that ‘a single universal model of HRM doesn’t exist.’ High and low context culture plays an important role in organizations success. An HR manager should keep typology of organization in mind while forming policies, procedures and processes for his firm as it is evident from empirical studies that companies fall under â€Å"Elite†, â€Å"Meritocratic†, â€Å"Leadership† and â€Å"Collegial† typologies and equality/inequality, power distance and individualism/collectivism in the organizational culture depends on typology of the organization. It can also be argued that a multinational company has to keep few values for e.g. The vision and mission of the organization uniform in each and every country of operation in order to achieve its short and long term goals. However, in its endeavor HR manager should not forget that people from different countries have different value system which makes International HRM a challenging task while globalizing the operations. Recommendation The transfer of policies and procedures from the parent organization to subsidiary location is very important for the multinational organizations in order to globalize its the operations. The ability to transfer knowledge effectively across the border is identity of a successful MNE, while doing this management should keep cultural difference in mind, to formulate policies and processes that are not only motivating for employees but also helpful to management for smooth operations. Management should keep five key factors mentioned above in mind to successfully transfer HRM policies to western countries. It is expected from local HR manager to adapt companies polices according to European or North-American style of HRM and translate into practice. Firm should encourage HR managers as well as employees to participate in cross-border cultural training. Recruit people with international experience or else some of the staff can be transferred from HQ in Asia to the subsidiary in Europe or North-America for short period of time. Create a company specific, regional, practice manual for HR. And lastly encourage at least one annual trip for the local HR director at Europe or America to HQ in Asia. References Beyer, H.T. (1991) â€Å"Personalarbeit als integrierter Bestandteil der Unternehmensstrategie† paper to the 1991 DGFP Annual Congress, Wiesbaden. Brewster, C; 1993 â€Å"Developing a ‘European’ model of human resource management† Diplomingenieur,W.S.,(2004) : the dissertation submitted in University of Southern Queensland, Australia , on â€Å"Transfer of human resource policies and practices from German multinational companies to their subsidiaries in South East Asia † P :165-169 Drost, H., Frayne, C., Lowe, K., Geringer, J.M. (2002), Benchmarking training and development practices: a multi-country comparative analysis, Human Resource Management, Vol. 41 No.1, pp.67-86. Fields,D., Chan, A. , Akhtar, S. and Blum, T.C. (2006), â€Å"Human resource management under uncertainty.† Gooderham, P., Nordhaug, O., Ringdal, K. (1999), Institutional and rational determinants of organizational practices: human resource management in European firms, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 44 pp.507-31. Hofstede, G. (1984), Cultural dimensions in management and planning, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol. 1 No.2, pp.81-99. Hofstede, G. (1991), Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, McGraw-Hill, London, . Hofstede, G. (2001), Cultures Consequences, Second Edition: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, . Hall,T.E (1976); Beyond Cultures Kabanoff, B. (1991), Equity, equality, power and conflict, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 16 pp.416-41. Kluckhohn, C. K. (1951). â€Å"Values and Value Orientations in the Theory of Action† Marsh,R. and Pedler, M. (1979),†Unionizing the white collar worker† P: 2-6 Pieper, R. (1990), â€Å"Human resource management: An international comparision, Berlin† Porter, M. (1980) Competitive Strategies, New York: The Free Press Porter, M. (1985) Competitive Advantage, New York: The Free Press Redding, G., Wong, G.Y.Y. (1986), Chinese organizational behaviour, in Bond, M.H. (Eds),The Psychology of the Chinese People, Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, . Rousseau, D.M. (1990), Assessing organizational culture: the case for multiple methods, in Schneider, B. (Eds), Organizational Climate and Culture, Jossey Bass, San Francisco, CA, Strauss, G. (1968) ‘Human relations – 1968 Style’ , Industrial relations, 7: 262-76. Sharma,B. and Chew,K.H (2005); â€Å"The effect of culture and HRM practices on firms performance.† Taylor, F. (1964), Scientific Management, Harper Row, London, . Thurley, K. and Wirdenius, H. (1991) â€Å"Will management become ‘European’ Strategic choices for organisations† , European Management Journal, 9, 2: 127-34. Tome, E. (2005) â€Å"Human resource policies compared: What can the EU and the USA learn from each other?† P 405-418 Tregaskis, O. (1997), The role of national context and HR strategy in shaping training and development practice in French and U.K. organizations, Organizations Studies, Vol. 18 No.5, pp.839-56. Wood, S., Wall, T. (2002), Human resource management and business performance, in Warr, P. (Eds),Psychology at Work, Penguin, London, pp.351-74. Zacharatos, A., Hershcovis, M.S., Turner, N., Barling, J. (2007 ) â€Å"Human resource management in the North American automotive industry: A meta-analytic review† : 231 – 254 Appendix 1 Source: Marsh,R. and Pedler, M. (1979),†Unionizing the white collar worker† P: 2-6 Appendix 2 Source: Diplomingenieur,W.S.,(2004) : the dissertation submitted in University of Southern Queensland, Australia , on â€Å"Transfer of human resource policies and practices from German multinational companies to their subsidiaries in South East Asia † P :165-169

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Shusanta Bhattarai Ms. Kelley Formal lab report The conservation of Mass and how it’s connected to chemical reactions Introduction In this lab, we were looking at the conservation of matter, chemical reactions and using mass to find the number of moles present after a reaction. We had previously studied moles (measurement system) and mass. We copiously took notes on the masses of the objects after reactions and observed how the quantity would â€Å"change† after a chemical reaction. The conservation of mass is a law that states a mass will stay consistent over time and will not change until it is not combined or removed. We performed a lot of chemical reactions in this lab. The first part of the lab was putting a coiled piece of copper in silver nitrate and washing it out with water. The second and third part was also about adding chemicals and seeing the reactions. The purpose of the experiment was to determine if the values of silver and silver nitrate would stay the same. The hypothesis was that if chemical elements and compounds react the ratio would stay the same, due to the conservation of mass and the law it has. Procedure Originally, I was supplied with 30 cm of copper wire and a test tube. First, the wire was cleaned with steel wool.The copper wire was coiled around the full length of the test tube. The copper was then weighed. Then an empty 250 ml beaker that was labeled by my partner was weighed. A vial of white silver nitrate was also weighed. After, 2/5th of the clean beaker was filled with distilled water and the solid silver nitrate was stirred in with the water until the crystals that were formed dissolved. Then the end of the copper wire was bent so we could submerge the coil in the solution and still be able t... ...s is attached and the mass must remain consistent over time. The chemical process did not change the quantity and it showed. 4. The ratios might be different because there might have been a flaw in the procedure. They all still surround 1 and no one in the class got one but we all got something close. 5. I think that the decanting process was the main source of contamination. Sometimes water doesn’t take out all the specks. We could buy a high tech decanting type-system and walk through each student individually so that there would be minimal chance of error. Conclusion We saw that no matter the chemical change we would get the same ratio. The purpose worked out in a great fashion and showed us that the quantity was almost the same. The whole class got a number that was close to one. The hypothesis was supported because the conservation of matter proved to be true.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Football DBQ

Camilla Pollen Ariel Pollack Claire Salesman Alexis Dorian Alma Suck On Friday night, the PHS Dolphins beat the Hamilton Yankees In an exciting match, ending with an unbelievable catch and a Pall victory. Though this catch seem d great, it became a controversial topic after the game. Many were left to wonder whet her Pail deserved that win. After gathering information, the conclusion can be made that the ball was caught, but not cleanly. This can be proven by the commentary of people rooting for Pall, such as Mr.. Married, the Pall High offensive coach.Further proof can be seen through commentary of people rooting for Hamilton, such as Demerits Johnson, the Hamilton defensive back. Lastly, it can be proven by the commentary of unaffectionate observers, such as Owen Tyson, the football referee. Most people attending the game were rooting for the Dolphins, and almost every one of them agreed that the catch was made perfectly. Mr.. Married, the coach, claim De the catch was unbelievabl e (document 3). Any coach wants badly for their team to WI o his opinion about the catch might have been distorted.Valentine Buff said he Simi ply â€Å"reached out and pulled it in† (document 2); his perspective also was distorted considering that his pride was on the line, and his team was counting on him to make the catch. Frill Lay, the snack shop supervisor, was ecstatic about the catch. According to Lay, from his vantage point, he was able to clearly see the catch being made (document 13). The enthusiasm from these people about the mediocre catch is simply an effect of the excitement about the Dolphins winning the game.There is no ay all of these people would choose to be dishonest and lie about Buff catching the ball entirely. But, it's easy to exaggerate the amazing quality of the catch, proving that the catch was definitely made, but it wasn't a great catch. Even the people on Hamiltonians side agreed that the catch was made, although most of them add that It was Jus t luck. Hamiltonians defensive back, Demerits Johnson, when discussing Valentine's catch, asserts that â€Å"the ball fell in his hands (document 6 He even claims that Valentine pushed him and the referee. However, it is possible that

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

He-y Come on Ou-t analysis Essay

In the short story â€Å"He-y Come on Ou-t† the hole symbolizes an easy solution for a big problem. People used this hole to dump their waste, and fears into it. They used it to dispose unwanted materials, and at the same time to bring money into the city by charging others to dump their waste into it. The hole also symbolizes the people’s ignorance as well, people do not fully understand what this big dark gaping space is, and that it could harm the Earth in many possible ways, yet they still use it for their own good. The hole is a positive thing, because people learn from experience, and that hole taught the people that every action has a consequence and that everything comes around again in some way. This hole also shows how people won’t always get away with something bad they have done. The hole swallows all the sin people have done, and gives them some peace of mind. I would sure like to use one of these phenomenon’s, but if I do many other people will, and later on the world will lack a lot of things. This hole is sure useful at times, but it will reflect on the world and the environment, because everything has its bad and it’s good. Almost everything we use is recycled or some parts of it are taken to do and produce something else. Some things do not naturally occur, so when people start getting rid of materials and things that they think are useless, we will be short on a lot of things in the upcoming centuries. Not all people are geniuses or aware of what the things they are using is made out of. Even if this hole will be used for a good cause, and to save our environment instead of burning garbage, dead animal bodies, etc. there are still many other ways to do such things in a safer way without risking our environment. We live in an uncontrolled world; if such thing existed some people will manage to find a way to use it to harm our environment. We shouldn’t take the easy way out in everything, but think and solve the problem once and for all.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bipolymers- Cyclodextrin essays

Bipolymers- Cyclodextrin essays 9.221 Recent Development and use of.... Q) Use available evidence to gather and present data from secondary sources and analyse progress in the recent development and use of a named biopolymer. This analysis should name the specific enzyme(s) used or organism used to synthesise the material and an evaluation of the use or potential use of the polymer produced related to its properties. Cyclodextrin was first discovered by Villiers in 1891 although back then he called it cellulosine. Later Shardinger discovered that there were actually three types of Cyclodextrins; alpha, beta and gamma. By the mid 1970s all these different complexes could be chemically characterized. We have found that Cyclodextrin can be synthesized in nature via an enzyme called, cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase or enzyme CGTase for short. Below is a picture of CGTase: The catalytic site is the area in which it brings together the many sugars to form the actual cyclodextrin. This enzyme can be naturally found in some organisms including Bacillus Macerans. Further below is a picture of cyclodextrin, it is made up of seven glucose rings and are stuck together through the CGTase enzyme. With cyclodextrins being around for over 100 years why is it that we have recently just been able to apply them to many uses, some reasons are that there have been very high costs in developing the cyclodextrins, the availability of the chemical and enzyme and the general conception that these cyclodextrins were toxic. Yet only recently have scientists been able to develop cheap effective ways of the production of cyclodextrin and the detoxifying of these cyclodextrins which have provided many uses for them throughout our life. The first major use for these cyclodextrins is in the pharmaceuticals industry which is now heavily using cyclodextrin in many of their drugs. The reason why they use cyclodextrin is because it: -Enhance the drugs poor aqueous solubility ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Louisianas Creoles of Color

"Louisiana's Creoles of Color" In 1970 the state of Louisiana's Bureau of Vital Statistics decided that 1/32 Negro blood was the diving line between white and black (Dominquez, 1986.) They then informed the public that any form of Negro blood was the legal basis for blackness. In addition modern genetic studies show that blacks in the United States average 25 percent white genes and that whites average 5 percent black genes (Woods, 1972.) Consequently, how are we to decipher who constitutes as White American, Black American, and most importantly to this paper, Creole American. The underlying questions of this paper are therefore, "Where do Creole Americans fit into this picture? With whom did Creole Americans identify themselves with?" And finally the purpose of this paper is to educate others about Creoles and their wonderfully rich heritage. From the colonial days of New Orleans to the present time, a unique group of people has contributed to the most diverse state in America. They were the "Gens de Couleur Libres", the Free People of Color. Today, commonly known as "Creoles" or "Creoles of Color", their descendants live in all parts of the country. Some have kept the language and culture bestowed upon them by their ancestors; while some have lost this heritage to a more "American" way of life. The fact is that this country is divided into two separate sectors, white and black, and all other divisions come separate. Just who then were these Creole people that added so very much to Louisiana culture? There were four types of ancestry in New Orleans: Europeans, Indians, Negroes, and half bloods born of French Fathers or European Mothers who were called Creole s (Dominquez, 1986.) Creoles are among a rich cultural heritage of people. But there was little consensus as to what legally constituted as Creole. In State ex. Cousin v. Louisiana State Board of Health, the Louisiana State Court of Appeals was forced to examine the meaning of C... Free Essays on Louisiana's Creoles of Color Free Essays on Louisiana's Creoles of Color "Louisiana's Creoles of Color" In 1970 the state of Louisiana's Bureau of Vital Statistics decided that 1/32 Negro blood was the diving line between white and black (Dominquez, 1986.) They then informed the public that any form of Negro blood was the legal basis for blackness. In addition modern genetic studies show that blacks in the United States average 25 percent white genes and that whites average 5 percent black genes (Woods, 1972.) Consequently, how are we to decipher who constitutes as White American, Black American, and most importantly to this paper, Creole American. The underlying questions of this paper are therefore, "Where do Creole Americans fit into this picture? With whom did Creole Americans identify themselves with?" And finally the purpose of this paper is to educate others about Creoles and their wonderfully rich heritage. From the colonial days of New Orleans to the present time, a unique group of people has contributed to the most diverse state in America. They were the "Gens de Couleur Libres", the Free People of Color. Today, commonly known as "Creoles" or "Creoles of Color", their descendants live in all parts of the country. Some have kept the language and culture bestowed upon them by their ancestors; while some have lost this heritage to a more "American" way of life. The fact is that this country is divided into two separate sectors, white and black, and all other divisions come separate. Just who then were these Creole people that added so very much to Louisiana culture? There were four types of ancestry in New Orleans: Europeans, Indians, Negroes, and half bloods born of French Fathers or European Mothers who were called Creole s (Dominquez, 1986.) Creoles are among a rich cultural heritage of people. But there was little consensus as to what legally constituted as Creole. In State ex. Cousin v. Louisiana State Board of Health, the Louisiana State Court of Appeals was forced to examine the meaning of C...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Catholic Liturgy

It belongs to the Baptized. Therefore, as worship that includes sacrifice, the liturgy is necessarily a priestly act. As such, it is an exercise of both the baptismal priesthood and the ministerial priesthood – it always involves â€Å"spiritual sacrifice. †Ã‚   Next, within worship it necessary to have signs that signify what they effect – that is, the sanctification of man. The liturgy always involves these sensible realities that represent and effect something else. This means that within the context of liturgy those signs that are used must signify what they effect: i. . the bread and wine signifying and becoming the nourishing and enriching body and blood of Christ. There should be no superfluous signs in the liturgy (i. e. liturgical ministers dressed up as clowns). In this way then, the participants are living sacraments in themselves because they are representing the Bride of Christ offered up to the bridegroom for the salvation of souls. Third, it must be remembered that liturgy is something that is constantly going on in heaven. It is something, here on earth, that is entered into. The assembly gathered does not â€Å"start† liturgy properly speaking, rather they enter into and go forth from (exitus et reditus). Lastly, the liturgy belongs to the baptized as they alone belong to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. It is only those who have been made priests through the waters of Baptism that are in fact in common union with the Church as She exists throughout all time. The liturgy as an act of public worship is the passing over of all that God revealed about Salvation. It is that which fulfills the Old Testament worship. It always has to do with an action that is salvific. The liturgy, as an effect, brings the people together in order to praise God, enables them to participate in â€Å"the sacrifice†, and eat the Lord’s Supper. The Liturgy is always bringing humanity and all creation back into Christ. gt;gt;I hope you enjoyed this quick reflection on the Liturgy. Please feel free to share your comments below. It is my hope and prayer that this site will become a forum of discussion about how we as Catholics can rediscover the nature and beauty of worship amp; liturgy. lt;lt;

Friday, October 18, 2019

Data Centers Routing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Data Centers Routing - Research Paper Example It had been established that the traditional architectural networks failed to meet the basic requirements of information as well as communication technology in efficiently supporting business in the society with effectiveness. It is important to underscore the high costs that were associated with the ancient networking structural format (Abts & Kim, 2011). Maintenance of multiple networks made up of different architectures with each having its own unique characteristics, tools, and the set of technical skills always increases the costs of operation and decreases the adaptability to the highly dynamic business requirements. It is imperative to underscore the fact that data centers are mostly driven by a wide variety of computer services and this includes the search engines, online office together with social networking as well as information technology or even infrastructural outsourcing. The main motivation behind the increasing demand for data center network is for the firms to enjo y economy of scale arising from large amounts of data and connect many servers .The most important issue is how to connect a sizable number of servers with an efficient routing system. In this research, the concept of basic data routing will be explored to establish the possibilities of developing the most efficient and cost effective data center networks. There are various motivational factors as well as obstacles that surround the application of data center routing. The basic foundation of supporting many applications of the internet is pegged on data centers (Abts & Kim, 2011). This information technology concept is also instrumental in the operation of the enterprises and scientific operation. The principal challenge in this concept is how to develop a data intensive communication through a large scale data center routing that can link many servers in a system of computers. It has been found out that data center network’s server centric plays the role of being the host as well as

CRIMINAL LAW Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

CRIMINAL LAW - Coursework Example In the process, he releases a lion and a tiger. The lion then proceeds to kill a person nearby. The issue is whether the entry release of the dangerous animals and the subsequent killing renders Oscar liable for murder or not. In examining the murder, it is essential to evaluate if it leads to a liability of involuntary manslaughter or not. Rules In involuntary manslaughter, the actus reus is an unlawful and dangerous act. In R V Slingsby (1995), a woman died when a man conducted dangerous sexual acts on her. Although the defendant argued that it was an ordinary sexual act that had gone out of scope, it was held that he was guilty because the act was dangerous and unlawful. In R V Church (1965), the term 'dangerous' was interpreted to mean that it exposes another person to a risk of some harm. Based on this, if such an act is conducted, a person will be guilty of committing involuntary manslaughter. The mens rea of involuntary manslaughter is to commit an act that is obvious to every reasonable person as a dangerous act. In spite of this obvious indication, the defendant proceeded to commit that act. In DPP V Newbury and Jones (1976), the defendants were two teenage boys. They threw a piece of stone from a bridge into a passing train. This hit and killed a guard who was sitting in the driver's compartment. It was held that they had committed involuntary manslaughter because it was obvious to them as reasonable people that they undertook a dangerous act when they foresaw the consequences of their actions. Due to the nature of involuntary manslaughter, the most likely defence is diminished responsibility under section 2 of Homicide Act, 1957. This means that the defendant was suffering from an abnormal mind which caused him to fail to exercise willpower and committed such acts (R V Byrne 1960). Also, a person with a substantially impaired mental responsibility could be plead on the grounds of the impairment (R V Lloyd 1967). Application In this case, Oscar decide s to go to the premises of Peter's circus. He did this and released the dangerous animals because he believed they were being ill-treated. In releasing the animals to prevent them from being 'ill-treated', he failed to realize that he was releasing them into a populated area where the animals could cause havoc to human beings. Releasing a lion and tiger was dangerous. Also, it is apparent that he did not seek the consent of Peter who is licensed to keep the animals under lock and key as a circus operator. This constitutes a trespass under Common Law and makes the act illegal. It should have been obvious to Oscar that an ill-treated lion or tiger was much better caged than released into the society. This is because if the caged lion or tiger is released in an urban centre, it would cause carnage and kill a lot of people. On the balance of probabilities, it should have occurred to him that releasing the animals could cost human lives. However, he did not take time to reconsider that. This makes it a valid mens rea for the commission of involuntary manslaughter. Conclusion In conclusion, Oscar committed the actus reus of unlawfully entering the premises of Peter and releasing dangerous animals that killed a human being. Also, he was negligent and did not think much about his actions. As such, he is guilty of manslaughter. Due to the circumstances, his only credible defence is to plead on the grou

The Catcher in the Rye Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Catcher in the Rye - Essay Example But if we look closer, we'll come to understand his negative outlook and bitterness toward life shows his fears and frustrations in life. At a young age, he had experienced the cruel side of life when his brother died and when he witnessed what he calls phoniness of the world. In one phony situation, Holden described his former headmaster, Mr.Haas as the phoniest bastard he ever met. "On Sundays, for instance, old Haas went around shaking hands with everybody's parents when they drove up to school. He'd be charming as hell and all. Except if some boy had a little old funny-looking parents" (Salinger, 14; ch. 2). Holden's experience of hypocrisy makes him view adults as superficial, insincere and guilty of a lot of things that's why he always quit school or gets expelled. His attitude is caused by his disappointment of the people surrounding him. In his encounter with the nuns, Holden displays his dismay of the irony of life but at the same time show his good heart. The line "I hate it if I'm eating bacon and eggs or something and somebody else is only eating toast and coffee. They let me give ten bucks as a contribution" (Salinger, 110; ch. 15).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Second Wave Feminism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Second Wave Feminism - Essay Example The third wave stands on the shoulders of the second wave, finishing what they began, while creating a legacy for the next generation to come. The second wave stood on the shoulders of the first, recognizing the distance that women still had to go to find equality. The third wave fights the battles the second wave began. Second wave feminism has just ended, but already has made a profound impact on society. It is especially clear in literature. In the book Finding Fran by Lois Banner, the personal becomes political, as the reader sees how women in the 1950's find feminism, and how they react. In Rubyfruit Jungle, by Rita Mae Brown, the reader is taken on a journey to how lesbians had to live before the second wave, and why fighting for equality became so important to them. In Scars of Sweet Paradise, by Alice Echols, the reader is able to see how Janis Joplin lived, and died, because she did not fit into the mold society had created for women. And in Women in Modern America, also by Lois Banner, the reader sees how feminism has touched the lives of millions, and has become a fight for equality for everyone, not just radicals. Through these four books, the reader is able to see the many facets of second wave feminism, and is able to better understand the reasons behind the movement. The 1960's were a time for free love, revolution, and war protests. ... Women began the sexual revolution, demanding the right to choose their fate and sexual identities. Judy Chicago took her Dinner Party out into the world, demanding that women deserve a place at the table, and in the conversation. In New York, gays and lesbians demanded rights after Stonewall. Title IX allowed girls equal opportunities for sports in schools (Banner 2004). The National Organization of Women put out their statement of purpose, demanding We, men and women who hereby constitute ourselves as the National Organization for Women, believe that the time has come for a new movement toward true equality for all women in America, and toward a fully equal partnership of the sexes, as part of the world-wide revolution of human rights now taking place within and beyond our national borders. (Banner 2004) These changes help define the second wave as women and men who are unwilling to allow the country to stay the way it is. They insisted that things must change, and that everyone deserves a voice. For Rita Mae Brown, and other queer individuals, it was also time to take a stance. Second wave feminism allowed for not just the female majority to demand rights, but also the minority. The lesbians, the American Indian women, and the disabled were all actively involved in demanding rights. In discovering her sexual identity, Brown learned more about herself then she could have imagined. Her parents (Carrie and Carl) had adopted her, and from the beginning she knew she was a bastard. Her sexuality did not bother her, but it bothered others. "So now I wear this label 'Queer' emblazoned on my chest. Or I could always carve a scarlet "L" on my forehead. Why does everyone have to put you in a box and nail the lid on it" (Brown 1973). In

Ethical prinicles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethical prinicles - Essay Example â€Å"The principles of emergency management must be a part of the EOP design and include a comprehensive plan for tackling all potential and actual hazards† (Smeltzer et al., 2009, p. 1314). In light of the Patient’s Bill of Rights proposed by the American Hospital Association, hospitals assume a lot of responsibilities towards the patients that include the patients’ education, and respect along with health. The patient has the right to make decisions about the plan of care prior to and during the course of treatment and to refuse a recommended treatment or plan of care to the extent permitted by law and hospital policy and to be informed of the medical consequences of this action. (AHA, 1992). What to talk of asking the patient’s opinion or decision regarding the plan of care the hospital staff had formulated for him, the patient in the video was not even informed of it. By not consulting the patient for his consent upon the treatment and not educating h im upon the potential consequences of it, the hospital staff violated the principle of healthcare ethics.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discuss how social media can be used to build a brand community and Essay

Discuss how social media can be used to build a brand community and illustrate your answer with detailed examples of such use - Essay Example It goes without saying that technologies and social media, in particular, contribute to the development of the collective brand identities and, therefore, brand communities. The example of Apple Macintosh suggests that social media, including blogs, forums, and social networks, facilitate the creation and expansion of brand communities, through the creation of shared meanings, the development of groups and clubs, elimination of any formal hierarchy, and diversification of communication instruments and ties. Brand communities Brand communities are among the most popular topics of present day market research. The rapid advancement of technologies and social media, in particular, contributes to unprecedented growth of brand communities and groups. According to Muniz and O’Guinn (2005), â€Å"brand communities are nongeographically bound collectives of brand admirers who, through their ability to aggregate and community at very little cost, assert themselves as important marketpl ace collectives† (p.65). Brand communities are always about building and sustaining a common, collective identity in their members (Muniz & O’Guinn 2005). ... Needless to say, brand communities develop and operate through the subcultures of consumption which differ from brand communities but also share numerous common features with them. Subcultures of consumption Unlike brand communities, subcultures of consumption is a separate society subgroup, which self-selects as a result of developing shared commitment to brand, product class, or consumption activity (Heding, Knudtzen & Bjerre 2008). The basic features of a subculture of consumption include (a) social hierarchy; (b) shared ethos; (c) unique lexicon and ritualistic features; and (d) unique ways of symbolic self-expression (Heding, Knudtzen & Bjerre 2008). Subcultures of consumption exemplify a collective view of numerous brand communities and identities. In the current state of global marketing, brand communities are of particular importance for firms, since they primarily focus on shared brand meanings and do not normally reject the prevailing society’s culture (Wiegandt 2009 ). In this sense brand communities’ reliance on low-cost communication methods and social interaction implies that social media do play a role in their development and expansion (Wiegandt 2009). The Apple brand community presents a unique example of how social media and brand communities interact. Apple Macintosh, brand communities, and social media Apple is one of the most frequently cited objects of brand community research in professional literature. Much has been written and said about what works and sustains the culture of sharedness in Apple Macintosh brand communities. It should be noted that the Apple brand community displays a number of specific features. These

Ethical prinicles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethical prinicles - Essay Example â€Å"The principles of emergency management must be a part of the EOP design and include a comprehensive plan for tackling all potential and actual hazards† (Smeltzer et al., 2009, p. 1314). In light of the Patient’s Bill of Rights proposed by the American Hospital Association, hospitals assume a lot of responsibilities towards the patients that include the patients’ education, and respect along with health. The patient has the right to make decisions about the plan of care prior to and during the course of treatment and to refuse a recommended treatment or plan of care to the extent permitted by law and hospital policy and to be informed of the medical consequences of this action. (AHA, 1992). What to talk of asking the patient’s opinion or decision regarding the plan of care the hospital staff had formulated for him, the patient in the video was not even informed of it. By not consulting the patient for his consent upon the treatment and not educating h im upon the potential consequences of it, the hospital staff violated the principle of healthcare ethics.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Children Life Essay Example for Free

Children Life Essay 1.1 Mention the characteristics and needs of children that should be taken into account when selecting suitable literature. Emotions: Identification: A child must be able to identify with the story. Enjoyment: They must be able to enjoy the story. Moderate emotion: should show some emotion. Security: Child should feel safe. Intellectual Abilities: The story must be logical (as much as possible) it should also be systematic and consistent. It is more convincing when written from child’s point of view. Normative development: Should be based on natural feeling for values, without any serious and obvious moralizing. 1.2 What is the value of media in telling a story? Mention five (5) points. Can improve the young child’s visual literacy – e.g. – red light means stop. Can improve visual skills – Acquires the skill of Depth perception. Will help achieve a better understanding of new concepts – pictures are a representation of reality; provide a bridge between the real representation of something and its abstract image. Can stimulate children to use creative language – can let them discuss interesting aspects of an illustration. Can advance the reading readiness of the child. – they need to make fine discriminations and to interpret a series of symbols in order to read and spell. 1.3 Explain how a child’s language development can be improved by telling and reading stories. List your points. Expanding vocabulary Improving oral Language Using Creative Language Creating a desire to read Listening skills 1.4 How does poetry foster development in young children? Refer to four (4) instances. Can be used to further the child’s total development Intellectual Conscious Emotional Imaginative 1.5 How does children’s literature promote intellectual development? Mention  five (5) ways. In aiding their discovery and refinement of new concepts. Cultivating their proficiency in a range of thinking processes. Furthering their ability to reason logically. Fostering their critical thinking. Introducing them to problem solving. Question 2 Discuss the characteristics of children in the following age groups and explain how this influences the choice of suitable literature. 2.1 Babies 2.2 Children aged one to three years 2.3 Children aged four to five years 2.4 Children in grade R 2.5 Children in the Foundation Phase 2.6 Babies: 2.7 Characteristics 2.8 Influences of suitable Literature They are busy discovering the world around them. They need continual repetition of what they know and what is familiar. Babies can only give their attention to an activity for a short time. It is vital for them to hear language. Simple pictures of objects so they will recognize them from their immediate environment. Not much details in pictures, only one subject. They should sit on your lap so their need for physical contact can be met. Pages should be strong so they cannot be damaged easily. Children aged one (1) to three (3) years: Characteristics Influences of suitable Literature Rapid language development their vocabulary expands quickly, sentences put together become more correct and complete. Enormously interested in everything that happens around them. Enjoy repetition. Likes bright, cheerful colors and pictures. Becoming more skillful, can pick up something with their fingers. Beginning to take an interest in people, things and animals that is not a part of everyday life. Picture books from baby years still favorites. Picture books can now have themes outside immediate environment. Pictures should be bright, cheerful colors and can include a certain amount of detail. From 2 years, children are able to enjoy simple story books. Enjoy simple stories include a lot of repetition. Children of this age want to look at book themselves – ensure strong pages. Children aged four (4) to five (5) years: Characteristics Influences of suitable Literature Interest has broadened to include more than themselves and environment. Interest in other people. Cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality. 4 year old enjoy comical language, word games and words that represent sound. Enjoy obvious, silly jokes and often behave in rather silly ways themselves. Love exaggeration even when telling it themselves. Children of this age can now sit quietly and can concentrate for longer. Enjoys stories about â€Å"unknown†. Themes outside environment are perfectly appropriate. They enjoy and understand stories about events that â€Å"could† happen, however improbable. Funny stories, silly and full of exaggeration. Stories/books about people, animals and objects how to grow. They can look at a book for a longer period of time, and can listen attentively for longer. Favorite stories of 3 – 4 therefore suitable for this age group – not for long. Children in grade R Characteristics Influences of suitable Literature This age allows for broadening children’s understanding of the word around  them. 5 – 6 year olds can distinguish between fantasy and reality. Very inquisitive and eager to learn. Enjoy new discoveries and adventures. 6 year olds are no longer egocentric, and already have a more objective view of themselves and the world around them. 6 year olds begin to take an interest in no words and letters. 6 year olds with lots of exposure to books are keen and ready to be introduced to reading activities. 5 – 6 enjoys fantasies Like stories and books that convey info in a straight forward way. Simple adventure stories and books are suitable. Themes deal with less familiar, such as children from other countries. Children in the Foundation Phase Characteristics Influences of suitable Literature Children starting school are starting to read and gradually improve their mastering of this skill. When they start school they have a good grasp of the difference between fantasy and reality – of what can happen. Increasing responsible realization of right and wrong, and they begin to express their own judgment of right and wrong. Friends become extremely important and have an enormous influence on what a child wishes to do. Children develop an interest in hobbies – particularly in things they themselves can make or do. Stories with simple text that they can read. Enjoy fantasy tales, particularly those that are exaggeratedly â€Å"marvelous† (Roald Dahl) Books featuring descriptive language are also enjoyable, their stories must contain plenty action. Enjoy stories that teach them how to make things such as cook books. Humorous books.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Understanding The Growth Theory By Solow Economics Essay

Understanding The Growth Theory By Solow Economics Essay Robert Solow was born of a Jewish family on August 23, 1924 in Brooklyn. Fortunate with the opportunity to attend public schools, he had a strong academic foundation along with with motivation and mentoring he was awarded a scholarship to attend Harvard University in 1940. During his freshman year at Harvard he chose sociology and anthropology as his majors with a minor in elementary economics. At the end of 1945 Robert Solow decided to serve in the US army and later returned to Harvard in 1945. The depression at the time strongly influenced him to study the way the economy actually worked and after returning from the army he decided to switch gears and studied economics. At Harvard he was an assistant to Wassily Leontief producing the first set of capital coefficient for the output and input model sparking his interest in statistics and probability models which lead him to Columbia University for a concentration in statistics. About the same time he was also offered a position to lecture economics and statistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) which he accepted and overtime his fascination leaned more with macro economics. For 40 years Solow worked closely with Paul Samuelson and together they developed numerous work together such as: Balanced Growth under Constant Returns to Scale, (1953), Theory of Capital (1956) and A Complete Capital Model Involving Heterogeneous Capital Goods. In 1961, Robert Solow won the John Bates Clark Award which is given to someone under 40 years who have made a major contribution to economic thought and knowledge. His continued efforts and passion for macro economics resulted to him winning the Nobel Prize in 1987 for his analysis in economic growth. Over the years Solow has continued to be a prominent figure as an economist, his theory is thought all over the world from government to his theory thought in schools. The study of the factors which permit production growth and increased welfare has been a central feature in economic research for many years. Robert M. Solows prize recognizes his exceptional contributions in this area. This paper will discuss the major contributions Robert Solow made to economics in an A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth (1956), the influences for his analysis and its relevance in understanding how the economy works. Understanding the Solow growth theory is a challenge due to the number of models that he incorporates to explain growth theory. The basic model focuses on the accumulation of capital after which Solow incorporates new factors such as population growth and technology in order to show the changed result in comparison to the basic model. To aid in development of his Growth Theory, Robert Solow addressed the specifics concerning the growth of an advance industrial economy, this was first developed by Nicholas Kaldor. Kaldor has six characteristics for the economy, four of which Solow focused mainly to development the Solow model. Real output grows at a constant rate. Capital Stock grows at a constant rate Real growth and capital stock are likely to be the same Profit rates show a horizontal trend with the exception of changes in effective demand. The first three characteristics describe when an economy is in the steady state. To expand on this definition the steady state as described by Robert Solow is constant growth and capital stock. In an article, A Contribution to the theory of economic growth (1956) Solow growth model represented an addition to the Harod- Domar Model which explained growth patterns in terms of savings and capital. The main differentiation between his model and the Harrod-Domar model lay in Solows assumption that wages could adjust to keep labor fully employed. The Solow Model is neo-classical and as a results focuses primarily on the supply side. This implies that as long the supply of a good increases then economic growth can be accomplished. In this aspect it differs from the Keynesian models which focus on the demand side of the economy in areas such as: unemployment and inflation. The supply side In Solows model follows the following assumptions: One good in production with no change in technology and two factors of production, capital (K) and labor (L) deriving the following equation Y =F (K, L). The demand side for the Solow model assumes that output demand is equal to consumption and therefore there is no disposable income in the economy. Y= C + S Thus far the model describes a stagnant economy and Solow introduces dynamic factors in the model to show capital accumulation which are investment which increases the capital stock and depreciation which decreases capital stock. The saving rate in this model represents the tradeoff between consumption and investment. This means, what is not consumed is saved in the economy; this therefore increases capital stock growth or capital accumulation in the economy. In the active economy in the Solow model the production changes and is represented by the equation Y=F (K, S, à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡, k0) meaning output is a function of capital, savings, depreciation and capital stock. By utilizing the capital stock increases output in different periods but at some point the economy comes to a steady state as described by the Solow Model. The steady state is accomplished when output and capital are in equilibrium. It also implies that the economy will cease to grow so there is no change in capital at that point. Furthermore an economy in a positive steady state does not move from that point therefore this can also be considered as the equilibrium point The variables listed above can be divided into two variables exogenous which comprises of savings depreciation and capital stock and endogenous which are capital, income and investments. The model shows that increased savings shifts increases investments which impacts the steady rate causing it to shift also. This activity illustrates that higher savings in an economy means that there is higher capital stock thus leading to higher steady state per worker. Therefore in the economy one need to know that is the optimum level of savings is necessary to get to maximize steady state which is known was the golden rule. To recap, the steady state can be referred to as long run equilibrium in the economy and savings is critical in the model because it shows that by increasing savings the steady state can shift upward which asserts higher level of capital stock per worker. The concept of golden rule was also incorporated in the Solows Growth Theory but prior to that the golden rule was a concept by Jon von Neumann and later in the work of Edmund Phelps. In Solows Growth Theory, he makes the assumption that policy makers will consequently determine a savings rate that will maximize consumption per worker referring to it as the golden level of capital accumulation. Robert Solow did not stop here with his theory he went on further to introduce population growth in his dynamic model which also means that the labor force is growing as well. What Solow is illustrating is the effect of this exogenous factor on the population. Therefore the capital stock will be divided thinly across the increasing population. Since this increase in population is decreasing the capital stock this indicates there is a negative effect on income per worker. Solow then adds technology to the model, technology as described by Solow can improve efficiency of production and this means that there is an increase in output ultimately leading to the sustained growth in the economy. At this stage in the model, Solow uses a new production function to describe the economy Y=F (K, L, E, à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬) this means that output is a function of capital, labor, efficiency and effective worker for this economy. Solow goes on to describe what is meant by an efficient worker and this is characterized by knowledge, familiarity and ability. Output can consequently increase by the efficiency levels of workers. Efficiency in this model per effective worker can move the steady state equilibrium where capital stock per worker constant. As a result, with technological progress in this model the capital stock per worker is growing at the technology rate even in the steady state due to efficiency in the economy. We can see that even if capital is not growing in the steady state capital per effective worker is at the rate of technology. In addition, this also asserts that output per worker is also growing at a rate of technology. Combined, total output and capital stock are both growing when the two variables population and technology are present. The Solow Model therefore shows that technological progress in the economy explains sustained economic growth in the context of living standards per worker.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Impact of Marijuana Use :: Interview Essays

The Impact of Marijuana Use I conducted each of the following interviews. I obtained verbal consent from the individuals and informed them that their confidentiality would be completely protected. To insure their confidentiality is protected I am using pseudonyms for the individuals interviewed. They were also informed that they could stop the interview at any time with no questions asked and there would be no penalty of any kind if they chose to do so. Interview number 1; female, 47 years old, Africa Board Question (Q): Why do you use? Answer (A): (There is a long pause) †¦it's hard to put into words. I like it obviously, it seems to keep me centered and focused. (Q): What do you get out of it? (A): It is a solitary thing more than a group thing so it is not social, it's not a party thing. I like the quiet, and the focusing. (Q): How long have you used? (A): On and off since I was a teenager. (Q): What are the positives of using? (A): The focusing, it seems like my creativity is increased, and I like getting in touch with nature. (Q): What are the negatives of using? (A): Society's attitude, it seems like there is a lot of judgment placed on marijuana that is not necessarily fair or accurate. (Q): Why do you think society has a particular attitude towards marijuana? (A):I think because of the 1960s when people were experimenting with lots of drugs, people were dropping out of school. The establishment did not like people thinking for themselves so they medicated people with television and propaganda that inaccurately portrays marijuana. (Q): Do you feel addicted? (A) No because there have been times where I haven't smoked. When I went to Mexico I didn't use, it's not worth the risk, not worth jail time. I quit when I was pregnant and sometimes I just don't feel like using. Interview Number 2; female, 29 years old, Jasmine Grant (Q): Why do you use? (A): I don't anymore. It was a social thing. All of my friends were doing it so I thought "why not". (Q): What do you get out of it? (A): It made me feel accepted, not just because of peer pressure but also because my words seemed to flow better and I felt less self-conscious. I liked the way it took the edge off reality. It numbed a small piece of me and allowed me to relax. (Q): How long have you used?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Human Migration Factors Essay -- essays research papers

Human Migration Factors   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Migration, the movement of people from one place, origin or country to another1. For as long as man can remember migration has been a big part in our lives. People have migrated continuously since their emergence as a species.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The art of migrating is to move from place to place or country to country, to find what we searched for, A suitable environment for our families and us to live in. It is vital for humans to keep on the move or migrating. Many people migrate to different places around the world, like Europe, Africa, The Americas, Australia, and the Soviet Union. Humans migrate because they feel that they need to have stable and suitable environment in which to live in and bring up their families. Pe...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Electoral Systems Essay

Critically evaluate the argument that electoral systems can produce effective (decisive) government, or representative government, but not both. New Zealand’s current electoral system is MMP or Mixed Member Proportional; this is the system which will be used to evaluate the question. A comparison of MMP and FPP or the First Past the Post system will also be included, since it is being debated as to which is better for New Zealand. MMP is an appropriately representative government which also creates a rather effective government at the same time. On the other hand FPP causes a seemingly effective government but is far less representative. Some electoral systems can create effective and representative government while others may not. This will be shown by; firstly detailing how these systems of governance compare under effectiveness and representativeness, followed by an explanation as to why electoral systems can be both effective and representative and why they cannot. For a government to be classified effective it must sufficiently achieve its objectives as a governing body. It also must create a strong impression on the community (dictionary. om, 2011). MMP tends to have a less efficient form of law making than FPP. Under MMP the major parties must form coalition governments with the smaller parties to form a fifty per cent majority over the house. These coalitions may cause a time delay in passing legislation, as the major supporter of the bill tries to convince their support parties to agree with the legislation. MMP may take time to make decision but this doesn’t mean that the government is less decisive although; Many people argue that proportional forms of government lead to a less decisive and durable government. Their argument is based on the fact that the decisions must gain the support of coalition parties which cause a lower quantity of bills passing. However it is not the quantity of laws which cause an effective government it is the quality. MMP due to its more timely approach to law making allows time for scrutiny within a bill meaning any flaws which lie dormant in a bill may be fixed before the legislation is passed. A contrast to this is FPP with its single party majority which works very efficiently to pass laws rapidly. This is because there is no need for a compromise with its support parties since none are required. The effect of this rapid law making ability gives the community a view of effectiveness however the validity of the laws has been compromised. The laws passed may be riddled with flaws which really show the government is un-effective as the laws have no real impression on the community. Effective government is based around three criteria government durability, decisional efficacy and responsiveness (Boston, Church & Bale, 2003). From these three different terms of effective government we can see how different opinions on the idea of effective government can differ. For a government to be classified representative it must consist of many individuals who represent a variety of different constituencies (dictionary. com, 2011). Also there must be some form of diversity among the constituencies such as race or gender differentiation. (Royal Commission, 1986) MMP is a highly representative form of governance as it uses a two votes system; this allows minor party representatives to gain a seat in the house if they gain a majority vote among their constituents. The fact an MP has to win their constituency causes a close link to the electorate as they will more likely than not represent the major view of the region. This single MP vote allows the house to represent the community from a broader aspect while still having the majority party in power with the 2nd vote, the party vote. This causes a greater diversity among the house. When MMP was adopted â€Å"Maori representation increased from 5-7% to 16%† and â€Å"the number of women of women doubled to 34%† (Haddon, 2011). This increasing diversity has continued as the royal commission predicted. New Zealand’s house of parliament has become more representative and diverse as shown by the 39 women, 21 Maori, 4 Pacific Islanders, and 2 Asian MPs out of the 121 in the house (Elections Commission, 2006). Also under MMP campaign promises of minor parties tend to not get placed on the new government agenda. The minor parties must rely on negotiation with party leaders in order to get their main policies on the agenda or must wait for the bill to be drawn from the ballot box in parliament, which may never come. This causes a slight decrease in the diversification of the legislation passed. This lack of diversification can decrease the representativeness of the majority. However this does not decrease the overall representativeness of the government. The diversity of MMP is contrasted by FPPs system where there are only electorate votes so people tend to vote solely for the major parties that are likely to get into parliament. The winning party in a FPP election will get a proportionally larger share of the seats that its share of the votes this has the opposite effect for minority parties whom gain a lesser proportion of the seats that their votes. This lack of proportionality is a major flaw in representation as there is very little diversity among the house. Electoral systems can be both effective and representative, â€Å"The best voting system for any country will not be one which meets any of the criteria completely but will be one which provides the most satisfactory overall balance between them† (Royal Commission, 1986). Although systems cannot be highly representative and highly effective they still can be both. MMP shows this, it may not be highly efficient at creating effective legislation but it creates quality legislation which is effective governing. Also MMP shows its representativeness by having a largely diverse house of representatives but due to the need for coalitions loses some of the broader views of the minor parties. â€Å"A proliferation of minor parties actually increases stability and effectiveness† (â€Å"NRT on MMP threshold,† 2011). This shows how a representative government actually helps to form an effective government. The increase in the number of coalition majorities available will help to reduce the ability for any party to have strong bargaining power over another. This was shown in our most recent parliamentary election by ACT and the Maori party not having a large bargaining power with National as they both had possible coalitions with National. They were acting as a check on the other so neither gained an arbitrary power over Nationals decision. This allowed for national to make what they saw as the best decision. This shows that MMP is representative as well as being effective even if it is not top in each discipline. Many critics of MMP have agreed that MMP does lead to a government reflecting the views of New Zealander’s and supporters of MMP conceded to agreeing that it leads to a more unstable government which can infer that it may be not highly effective (Palmer & Palmer, 2004). While FPP contrasts MMP it shows the opposite idea. It shows that there is a tension between effective and representative government. This tension causes a highly representative government to have a very low effectiveness and vice versa. The tension has large effect on how the government operates and this can put a strain on which system will be best. FPP shows how a system cannot be both effective and representative whereas MMP seems to have the balance between being both an effective form of governance while still being rather highly representative. My research has shown that MMP is both an effective form of government and a representative form of government. However it is neither the most representative nor the most effective. The research has identified that an electoral system can be both as I have explained above. This is not to say all electoral systems are. There are always going to be strengths and weaknesses to an electoral system and a compromise between effective and representative will always be required, FPP for example is much more effective than it is representative. The tension between these two disciplines will always have an effect on how the system operates and which system is best suited to the situation. FPP is clearly a system which cannot be both while MMP is the perfect example of a system of governance which is both representative and effective.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Water Molecules

I love to travel and can be found In every home in the United States. I can change into many different shapes and can go almost anywhere If I am given the chance. My story starts in a well in my back yard at my home. I come from an underground aquifer. I can travel through the pipes into my kitchen faucet. I have many uses. I can be hot, warm or even cold. I can be mixed with dish soap in the kitchen sink or ran through a dishwasher to clean the dishes.I can wash clothes or be used to cook with. I can be mixed with something or drank plain. There are a lot of foods made with me. I am used for many things. People clean with me. Drink me and cook with me. I travel swiftly and In many shapes. I also can rise Into the clouds and evaporate Into a gas. It starts to rain. I fall down to earth. I lay in puddles. The plants soak me up. Rain barrels fill with me in them and the animals drink me. Plants and animals cannot survive without me. I make the plants and grass grow.After lying on top o f the soil for a while, what does not evaporate soaks into the soil. I am now groundwater traveling through the ground. I make my way back Into the underground aquifer and back Into my well. This Is a never ending process. I start my cycle all over again. I am used many times thru out the day. I go through my cycle over and over each day and night. Everyone needs me. Not everyone has easy access to me. Some people have easy access at their homes while others have to buy water or walk for miles to attain enough water to survive.In many cases water is being wasted. Hydrogen bonding holds water molecules together. At 32 degrees the kinetic energy is so low that the water freezes. When the temperature rises the kinetic energy thaws and we then have liquid water again. When the molecules absorb energy from the sunlight evaporation takes place and this is called water vapor which is the gas state. References: Wright, r. , & bores, d. (2014). Water: Hydrological Cycle and Human use. Enviro nmental Action.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Women of Kievan Rus

The women of Kievan Rus were in a much different setting and social structure than their western counterparts. With the arrival of Christianity in Kievan Rus can new changes to family relations and positions of women in society and the household. The church divided women into two groups, the â€Å"good† and the â€Å"evil† women. The determination of who fell into what group was determined on how they compared to the norms of behavior of saints. With women divided into two groups the church focused more on the conduct of â€Å"evil† women.The church handed down instructions on the conduct of women. The core of these instructions was based on the submissiveness of women to god and their husbands. They urged women to stay silent and be socially dependent. But women’s lives were not totally controlled and they were not treated sub-humanly. As seen in the treaty between Novgorod and Gotland slave women had rights and were defended against harm. The example it gives is the denial to rape or harm slave women. Their social roles were protected and offenders would have to stand trial and pay a heavy fine.Their counterparts, free women were also protected and held interesting privileges. Women were well protected from anything stemming from simple insults to rape. They also had a choice in their marriage partner and if they were forced into a marriage then the parents would have to pay a hefty fine. There were documents unearthed, which showed that Novgorod women lent money and owned land. Women in Novgorod and Kievan Rus were a unique sect of society with both freedoms and restrictions.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Youth sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Youth sports - Essay Example The highlighted that youth sports are very important for the social skills development, where the youngsters interact with other individuals and are the best way to make friends as well as acquaintances. It does not only help them in interacting with other socially, but at the same time gives them a sense of belonging and unity as well. Apart from the social benefits, the physical advantages are also great where the athletic youngsters mature and grow in physique and body composition in a better manner in comparison to the non athletic youngsters. The normal structural growth of the body and the bones has to be supported by the proper physical exerting activities and exercise has proved itself to be the best way for the improvement of the bone width and the mineralization. (Volkwein-Caplan, K. A. E., 2009) Most importantly, the benefits of the youth sports is not only limited to the development of the physique and the social skills, but the physical activities lead to the psychological advantages for the youngsters as well. Sports give these youngsters a sense of accomplishment and achievement where they start believing in their abilities and their talent. Winning is associated with the motivation and even participating at some level gives them a fair opportunity to build confidence. The psychological advantages associated with the youth sports are very important, but at the same time the personality traits and characteristics are also nourished and expanded. The sense of belonging to a team makes the youngsters self disciplined individuals and they do not only commit themselves to a certain team but in order to strive for success, they put in a lot of hard work to practice sessions and then succeed at the end of the day. (Volkwein-Caplan, K. A. E., 2009) The development of confidence plays a vital role and the challenging training sessions is

Monday, October 7, 2019

Law practice management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Law practice management - Essay Example The customer can also pay a USD 100 fee, for the first call for service. Ordinarily, the first hour of services will cost a customer not more than USD 250. The center will target its services at young customers, and will guarantee them the legal services help they need, before they say or do anything that may place then in compromising situations. Through the outlook, the center is reorganizing its traditional business, so that it can stand out from the crowd of legal service providers, towards pacing-up to the innovativeness adopted by different industries (Suskind 172). The group chose this legal practice area, following the increment of the sentiments of customers that the flexibility of legal services is low. Many legal services consumers have also expressed the sentiments that the costs of legal services is very high, and bulky, therefore many customers may not be able or willing to purchase the customized service packages offered by lawyers (Suskind 57). Through unbundling the legal services, splitting the different areas of service into component parts will help the center, in offering the different services in the most efficient manner. Due to this outlook, the lawyers at the center will not offer the services based on the undivided time of a single lawyer serving the wide range of the legal needs of their client (Suskind 59). The lawyers at the center will offer customized services to different clients, and some aspects served simultaneously for different customers, so that the center and the customer can reap from the economies of scale. The choice of this service line was also based on the fact that the unbundled services will be marketed in a relatively decentralized manner, and sold in a way which is similar to that of other service sectors like document processing and tax preparation (Suskind 157). Qn.2. The urgent legal services center will be characterized by the unbundling of the service packages offered by a lawyer. The unbundling of the servi ces into different component parts will help the different team members to offer the different services in the most efficient way possible. The center will offer its services to current and potential customers around the clock, which will increase the flexibility of service consumption (Van Zandt 1130). Though the adoption of a more flexible service delivery pattern, the center will exploit the potential clientele that are restrained from seeking legal services due to time and the costs of services. The marketing of the services of the center will be done through the lawyer-client relations developed after the formation of the center and those from the contacts of different lawyers. Through adopting this marketing outlook, the center will benefit from the diversity of social interactions, which will reach potential customers that the center or the different lawyers could not reach. The center will offer unbundled services to different customers, depending on the characteristics of t he services required by the given client. This outlook was chosen, because unbundling will be easier for comparatively routine services, where many personal issues or complex links are not involved (Van Zandt 1130). An example

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Research Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Method - Essay Example Inamulhaq (2012) discussed that there are different techniques which can be adopted by nurses and other health practitioners in order to ensure and improve hand washing techniques. One of these methods is health education, and this would necessitate the actual training of the staff in relation to proper hand washing techniques in the clinical setting (Inamulhaq, 2012). The availability of antibacterial soaps was also highlighted as an important means of ensuring the application of hand washing techniques. Moreover, facilities where hand washing can be carried out can also be made available in as many places as possible for the hospital staff (Inamulhaq, 2012). In the paper by Erasmus and colleagues (2010), the importance of action planning, was established as one of the effective ways hand washing among nurses can be improved. Action planning involves active participation in the hand washing process, for example, nurses may list when they are supposed to wash their hands. Covering 17 participants in a pilot study on hand hygiene behaviour, the authors established that where an action plan for the nurses is established before or during the shift, the possibility of ensuring that hand washing is carried out becomes greater (Erasmus,, 2010). The action plan then soon becomes part of the nurse’s routine and the possibility of compliance is significantly improved (Erasmus,, 2010). In the study by Nicol,, (2009) the authors emphasized the theory of planned behaviour. The study revealed that the theory of planned behaviour could sufficiently help improve the education and training of nurses in hand hygiene behaviour (Nicol,, 2009). This study was also able to demonstrate that deep-seated habits which are incorporated well into a person’s activities have a significant potential of improving a certain activity or behaviour (Nicol,, 2009). The theory of planned

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Reflection On Crime Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reflection On Crime - Research Paper Example Various crime theories have emerged assuming diverse perspectives ranging from psychological, biological, sociological and even patterns of interconnected scientific explanations. Criminologists have remained vigilant in discovering innovative points of views that could link outcomes of criminal behavior to their root causes. In this regard, the current reflective paper aims to proffer issues related to three specific topics, to wit: (1) the study of crime; (2) biological and psychological explanations of crime; and finally, (3) deterrence, incapacitation, retribution and rehabilitation. Significant applications related to the issues would be discussed. Likewise, the discourse would address how one can apply what is learned from the topics towards becoming a more valuable member of society. The study ultimately aims to determine how theoretical concepts learned from the modules would contribute to improving the peace and order by deterring crimes in society through an individual†™s proactive view. The Study of Crime A crime is a conduct forbidden by law for which punishment is prescribed. Thus, the ideas of crime and punishment are intimately connected. To commit a crime is to run the risk that punishment will be imposed. Diverse theories have tried to explain the origin of criminal behavior. In the article entitled Criminology: the study of crime and behavior, Aristotle identified poverty as â€Å"the parent of revolution and crime† (Criminology, n.d, par. 1) tracing the explanation to elements in the environment as contributory to the criminal behavior. The same discourse provided different criminology theories that were discussed in the modules, initially detailing the classical theory where â€Å"people choose to behave wrongly when they believe the benefits outweigh the costs† (Criminology, n.d, par. 5). Culen & Agnew (2002) have clearly illustrated variables and assumptions for theories of crime ranging from strain, routine, strain, co ntrol theories where factors as diverse as the facets of personalities and external influences attempt to provide meaning to their occurrences. Where poverty was identified by Aristotle providing the impetus for sociologists to examine both social and cultural forces that impinge on individuals to commit errant behavior, other distinct findings prove genetics and biological factors increase susceptibility to crimes. Theorists like Lombroso and Hoorten seek to find some patterns from individuals’ personal traits as evidence for stronger links to the occurrence of crime (Criminology, n.d, pars. 22 & 23). Aside from variables, assumptions, factors and the dominant groups of criminologists, psychologists and sociologists supporting these criminology theories, the study of crime also encompasses new professionals in the capacity of economists as interested in this field of endeavor. The study conducted by Bushway and Reuter (n.d.) emphasized a â€Å"focus on rational self-seeking behavior and analysis of the consequences of interactions among groups of actors that create equilibria in a system† (1). This just proves that the study of crimes is indeed a multidisciplinary approach that intrigues professionals from other fields to explain the rationale for their occurrence and existence despite sanctions and punishments prescribed by the legal